Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Just catching up on all the blogs. Margaret and Helen are making sense again today. (see link from yesterday, because I ma feeling lazy, though it would have been faster for me to just do the link rather than type all this. it's a Nano thing, I guess, using the most words to say the smallest thing)

I was listening to music on YouTube, which is actually making it hard for me to concentrate, so i stopped.

I'm also looking around on the grocery store's website, thinking about ordering our Thanksgiving dinner lock, stock, and barrel. All their dinners are for 8 to 10 people and we haven't invited anyone yet as far as I know. I would need to hire cleaners to come in and bring our kitchen and dining area up to health code, so I think it will just be us. Maybe we could go out to eat.

Just wrote a scene in which my hero gets pitied for his cold, cold heart. I think he's starting to turn around a little. Still at only about 900 words for today so far. next, the hero goes to see his old school friend and reminded that he used to live. Then the heroine's stepson runs away because she's boring and depressed. He's usually such a good boy that he's positively boring. he needs some work.

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