Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaNo 10 K!

Yessssss! 10,700+

I did about 1 K this morning and then DH stole my computer (the laptop) to do a presentation at a lunch, so I uploaded all I've written to a thumb drive (Dh says it's my thumb drive, but I only vaguely remember him telling me that before and most of what was already on there was his stuff. I digress.) and waved it goodbye.

I've been doing a little sideline work. I made a time line so that I knew when everyone was born and their parents died and so on.

I looked up exactly when teh Franco-Prussian War was (1870-71) so that I wouldn't have the heroine going on her honeymoon to Paris in the middle of it. I got off track and read about the kingdom of Wurttemberg and the chateau des ducs de Wurttemberg, which is in Dh's hometown in France.

I looked up when Darwin published what.

And I went to check the mail and found this month's rent check returned to us because it didn't have a stamp.

Then I made a huge mistake and decided to take the candles out of the jack o'lanterns and found an inch of rain and various slugs, alive and floating around dead in the two i looked in. pumpkins are to proceed directly to green waste, candles still inside, when i can go out without isabelle.

Oh, and I filled out my ballot so I can zip through the real one this afternoon. I love that the people of California can vote directly on laws, but other than the big religio-political-hysterical laws, I really don't know as much as I should about the 12 propositions. Do I vote for everything that looks "green" or are the measures really as badly written and as much of a money grab as the detractors say? And why do I get the feeling that most people don't even read the election thing the state sent with the explanations and pros, cons, and rebuttals?


Anonymous said...

You are just leaving me in the dust. You're amazing!

I hope you figured out how to vote. My husband reads much of the stuff and I have him fill me in. We tend to be a vote no unless we have a good reason to vote yes. Props 4 and 8 were hot button votes for us. NO NO NO! :)

Crazed liberals are we.

Neefer said...

I like to see who is funding the initiatives. That often helps me make a decision. For example, I support that hotbed of radical politics called the humane society, so I voted yes on that one.