Tuesday, September 2, 2008

snot! snot! snot!

Yesterday, Isabelle's nose was slightly runny and she was a bit grumpy for the last part of the day. Last night, she didn't want to go to sleep, even though she was exhausted. She finally went to sleep at 10:30.

Two hours later, she woke up, rolled over for some mom juice, latched on, and promptly started screaming because she could hardly breathe through her nose. I got her to calm down and I wiped her nose and she settled in to drink without too much snorting. She proceeded to wake up every 2 hours all night. YAWN.

This morning, she sneezed a lot, prompting many more nose-wipings (prompting screams), and this afternoon, she's pretty settled about the whole thing.

So the incubation period for this cold is 10 1/2 days. Or at least that was how long ago DS2 suddenly felt icky and then woke up the next morning with a head full of snot.

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