Monday, September 15, 2008

All the hurricane news

Email from my mom: Ike caused power outages in SW Ohio, so she was out of touch for about 24 hours. Winds of 50 mph, gusting to 75 mph. They cooked over sterno (old camping stove kept around for winter blizzard blackouts) and went to bed early. The schools were closed, roads were closed, trees down everywhere, etc etc.

Nowhere near as bad as Texas, of course. Sending lots of good thoughts to people there and with family and friends there. I lived in Austin for a few years, though I'm barely in touch with just a few people still, I am hoping they are fine.

She had sent her spare sterno stove to my brother in Louisiana who didn't have power for over a week after Gustav, leaving my sister and her family without a sterno stove. Anyway, my brother and his wife got their power back a week after the storm and just got their phone landline back a couple days ago.

My friends in SC didn't get smacked by Hanna, so they didn't have to evacuate with J's 2 month old baby. Phew!

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