Saturday, February 14, 2009

The little things that make me insane

Stupid Macintosh computer and the stupid Green Eggs and Ham computer game. The Mac is the only one it will play on and today it just isn't working. If I can get the screen to somewhere close to the right size, the colors go negative or else clicking on the next page symbol doesn't work at all or... Basically, I just freaked and shut down the computer and DS2 has to play something else until DH gets up.

Where in the WORLD are my other dozen or so rechargeable batteries?? I know where TWO are.

Why won't the baby take a nap? Why does she scream and cry EVERY TIME I change her diaper?

Why does DS1 dump the crumbs from the toaster? Who decides that turning the toaster upside down is what you should do when the toaster isn't plugged in? There's a little drawer that you pull out to empty the crumbs, but no, there I was wiping up the crumbs AGAIN that he missed when I made him wipe up the crumbs.

Why does DH get to sleep in every single day and I have to get up? And the very rare time he does get up, it's a huge production involving actual pushing and then reminding that the baby's enormous, soaking wet night diaper needs to be changed right away? And that if you could keep the boys from coming in and waking me up instead of asking DH to plug the toaster in for them, it would be a LOT more conducive to me actually sleeping? I mean I have ONLY been up three times during the night with the baby while he just sleeps whenever he wants.

I need a vacation. ALONE.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. You know the saying, "Insanity is inherited. You get it from your kids."

I wish I could come and take you out for coffee so we could just talk and relax. Alone is good but with a friend to vent to is better.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! Hope you're feeling better by now :) The sleeping in thing is one of those issues that I'll just never understand.