Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Uh oh. Better read the Bible...

Now nobody yell at me until you've actually read the questions....

Your morality is 0% in line with that of the bible.

Damn you heathen! Your book learnin' has done warped your mind. You shall not be invited next time I sacrifice a goat.

Do You Have Biblical Morals?
Take More Quizzes


Neefer said...

OMG! I'm more biblically moral than you are!

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know...this is what I got. Of course, I was answering every question with an Old Testament point of view....

Your morality is 85% in line with that of the bible.

You are a good and moral Christian. Jerry Falwell would be proud! Now go sacrifice an ox for the sweet savour of the lord!