Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gold medal in the Mom Olympics!

Goes to Tami! With an able assist by Deirdre!

She drove her daughter, her friend's son and my DS1 to Lake Tahoe on the class field trip to see salmon run and to run around in the woods up in the mountains. (An awful long way to see salmon, since they're running in the river about a mile from school, too, but anyway)

I warned her before they left that DS1 might get carsick, as he has a tendency toward motion sickness (witness his pukage into Monterey Bay last year) though he's usually OK as long as the roads don't twist and turn too much. Then within an hour, she had to stop the car so he could throw up. Deirdre pulled up and suggested they stop for mint lifesavers and some ice and they got back on the road and DS1 was fine after that. Apparently, putting ice packs on the side of your face and your stomach, along with mint helps control nausea.

So after that, DS1 got to ride up front (I'm not positive he's tall enough, though he's getting close) and she kept a good eye on him.

Honorable mention to the other kids who had to ride with him.

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