Monday, October 13, 2008

achy breaky back

The big boys, especially DS2, and I worked in the garden a bit this morning and afternoon.

We have a HUGE can for green waste that is picked up every other week. It's full.

There's STILL a ton of buffalo grass in the garden. It's been 2 years since I was lively enough to do more than the bare minimum out there, so it's not surprising. Not that I'm likely to get around to picking out every bit of buffalo grass. D*** stuff just grows back out of tiny bits or a speck of root left in the soil.

But my body's completely worn out and aching. I'm not sure if green waste pickup is this week or next, but I guess I don't have to try to get rid of the rest of the grass until then, right?

At least I think it's called buffalo grass, because I can't find a picture and description of it on the first page of google results. Doesn't mean it's NOT called that, just that I'm too lazy and ignorant of grass species to spend any more time on it!


Neefer said...

I bet it's crabgrass.


Philippa Lodge said...

Oh heavens. I'm not much into lawns and gardens, but I know what crab grass is! No, that's 75% of our front lawn. This is something else. The closest picture I came to it was a buffalo grass on Australian website.