Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Photo session - tooth - PICTURES

Mom wanted a picture of the baby's tooth.

Well, I tried.

Stinkin' lag time on my digital camera.

Stinkin' lag time on my digital camera.

Stinkin' lag time on my digital camera.

Oh wait, I got it.....

Too much glare off the slobber next to the tooth - the bright spot is NOT her tooth, a bit fuzzy, let's try again.


Veeeeeery funny, baby girl

Dang! SO close! You can sort of see the tooth up at the top. I was holding her with one hand and my aim was off.

Nice. Now take those out of your mouth.

Mouth OPEN! Mouth OPEN! Drat!

Perfect. Well, except her tongue is covering her tooth completely.

Maybe I'll try again some other day.

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