Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It's a half-day at school for conferences, so whatever I do has to be done by noon.

DD is emptying the shoe closet. Before that, she emptied the marker drawer (She can't get the caps off yet).

I'm sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and my back aches. I have spent too much time over a computer the last couple weeks and so my upper back is dodgy, and then add the aches and pains of this cold and I'm pretty much immobile.

I need to finish work on the sling I am making for my new nephew. It is wayyyyy too long and I have a spacial problem in which the ugly wrong side of the fabric ends up showing on the tail, so I need to fold the end up and sew it down, I think. Then add a pocket or two, because my favorite part of my favorite sling is the pocket that's secure enough (velcro) to hold my keys and wallet in a pinch and yet large enough to hold a diaper.

I'm going to go change the baby's diaper and see if she will take a nap. She's in here again and shrieking.

ETA: Nope. That would be too easy. We need to spend another hour or so fussing and shrieking before actually falling asleep. Yay.

ETA(2): It took me 45+ minutes to unpick the hem on the sling and then 10 minutes to sew the end over. And now the end is too short and too thick - well, it will work, but it'll be a bit awkward. Still need to do a pocket. red/orange? yellow/orange? Or more blue?

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