Saturday, March 21, 2009

37 houseplants

I don't even know what I was searching for when I came across it in the library's online catalog, but I requested and received 37 Houseplants Even You Can't Kill.

I'm taking it as a personal challenge.

In fact, I was going through it, saying, "Yep. Killed that one. Yup, that one, too."

I have to defend myself though. A few of the deaths were because my Freshman college roommate had some friends over one night and they were smoking in our room (Here's me. Not happy. :( ) and she opened the window and they froze. NE Ohio, Winter, you do the math.

But yes, I have killed a jade plant and a spider plant and a kalanchoe and a few others that are unkillable, all on my own.

I used to have a green thumb, sort of. I think it was having kids that put the plants so far down on my priority list that I am a real danger to them.

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