Monday, March 16, 2009

PMS Watch: Day 3

I've been a bad mom for a couple of days, losing my temper, threatening things that under normal circumstance I wouldn't threaten, etc.

The kids were supposed to clean their rooms yesterday. DS2 especially, spent about 2 hours complaining and 10 minutes cleaning, and he was the one who had to make space on his floor for his new desk. I threatened to throw everything away that was still on the floor. I gave in when he made space for the desk and he has until the end of today.

Now what have I been doing today? Well, I was driving the kids to school and thought of a really sad flashback scene for the heroine in my new novel, an example of why she tends to fade into the background and not attract attention and why she has very little self-esteem. And I spent most of the drive thinking about it and wiping away tears. Yes, I am completely insane, fellow drivers. Just drive on, never mind the crying lady who's trying to keep her kids from seeing...

I didn't note down my, uh, let's say my cycle, so I'm not exactly sure when my period is due because with all the breastfeeding, it's erratic, but it can't come fast enough. So for now, I'm going to write that scene down. Pass the tissues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you pregnant?! ;)