Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A third of the way there!

Just typed up the stuff that I wrote last night in bed and have hit 17,000 + words and am more than a third of the way to 50K words.

I've got my hero and heroine together so I guess that's the end of Act I, but the road to romance looks rocky. About time for that relationship fight ;) I still need to go back and put in a scene right before they get together.

There's also a commuter train crash coming up soon and a note the guy's cousin slips under her door, which might or might not be too saucy for the guy to laugh at.

I need a break, then will dive back in at noon. A smaller email NaNo group I have joined has a challenge from noon today until noon tomorrow, to see who can write the most words in 24 hours.

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