Sunday, January 25, 2009


I've been reading the C.S. Harris mystery novels with Sebastian St. Cyr as the protagonist. I really liked the first two.

And how can you go wrong with a name like St. Cyr? Especially if you consider that the Brits (and the books are set in England) often say "Saint" as "sin" so his name is Sincere?

But the third seemed rushed (according the the acknowledgements, she was writing it while trying to rebuild her house after Hurricane Katrina) and I am Not Happy with the ending. This guy is supposed to be so smart and there are big, enormous clues that it's OK if he.... because he isn't... and she isn't really.... anyway. It just cheesed me off that the mean sister won, you know?

Apparently book 4 doesn't resolve this particular problem, so i have to wait for book 5 for him to find out the big secret that everyone who reads the books figured out in book 1. ARG!

Well, I've requested book 4 from the library and the whole system own 6 copies, but only one is in circulation and the rest are in processing, even though the book came out over 2 months ago. I like the series, but not enough to buy it in hard back as soon as it comes out....

Still waiting for Silent on the Moor by Deanna Raybourn, too. Out in March.

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