Thursday, March 6, 2008

baby poop, car seats, and security ramblings

Well, let's see.... Eat, sleep, poop. Eat, sleep, poop. Eat, sleep, poop. She's only 10 days old - sorry, 9 days now that I think about it - so that's pretty much it.

Yes, Mom, we need to take more pictures! Actually, let me check the camera, there might be a couple on there that I haven't uploaded - downloaded? - yet.

My lovely little baby poops about 10 times a day. I am only exaggerating slightly. My boys tended to save it up for one or two massive explosions a day, sometimes skipping a day. Of course, with tiny poops, you don't end up with the "knee-to-armpit jobbies" as an online friend's husband put it. The ones where you use a dozen baby wipes and finally just go give the kid a bath. But anyway, with the frequent poops, I change her even more frequently than I would have otherwise, which is good for her teeeeeny tiny bottom.

She's starting to fill in her skin again (and her thighs, which were the only parts of her that were even slightly chubby when she was born, poor thing taking after her mother), so she must be back up to her birth weight and probably more. I've got a lot of milk and she's drinking it all. Oooh I shouldn't have thought about it because she's been down for a nap for an hour and half and it's been longer than that since she had the right side. I wrote the other day that I was engorged but not leaking, but now I am leaking but not engorged. Like any of you really want to hear about my boobs, but hey, that's what's on my mind.

My ambitious plan for today is to go pick up my kids from school and show off the baby. Reminds me I need to mess with the car seat and figure out how it's going to work best. I'm thinking center back, since there's not really space behind either of the seats if I use the base and if I don't use the base, I have to unbuckle the whole thing even if I am not carrying her in the seat itself, because the belts go across above her. Oh drat (I'm really trying to stop swearing), DH has the car so I'll have to do that when he gets home. Well, I'll hope that Isabelle takes another nap that conveniently continues when we're in the car, but that she wakes up from without starting to screech about food right away. Yeah, it might be a lot to ask.

Since the rest of my family is DH, DS1, and DS2, I suppose I need to start writing DD (darling daughter) for the baby, right? It's not like I would be so hard to find if someone wanted to stalk me, but at least they couldn't lure my kids away by knowing their names, right? But I guess DH could fend for himself, even if he is the only family member to not know any karate.

And thinking of my mom (hey, look! new pictures! just need to boot up the PC....). Oh, what was I going to say? Oh yeah.

Congrats to my 3 yo nephew, Z, who didn't cry when he was dropped off at preschool. Big hugs to him.

And pretty low down in the message is Enya. Actually I'll write a new post for her, since she deserves much higher billing.

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