Monday, March 24, 2008

Isabelle update

She's going bald. Bald-ER, I should say. When I rub my hand across the top of her head, it comes away with little downy hairs. It doesn't seem to be coming off the sides so much, just off the already mostly bald top. If she had more on the sides, I'd do a little comb-over, but it's too short for that.

She's also filling out her skin and losing the wrinkly dried-out look she's had since the start. She's got the start of a little double chin, too :) My boys were never very chubby, so I'm not expecting that, but it's nice that her arms and legs don't look so much like sticks anymore.

The midwives are visiting tomorrow and will weigh her, then there will be scientific proof that she's growing.

She is making eye contact better all the time. She'll really spend time looking at people at least as much if not more than random objects around here. She still stares at lights and random objects, but is getting more interested in people, I guess is the best way to say it. For the last week or so, she also will sometimes give me a half smile if she's in a good mood and I'm grinning right in her face.

Her eyes are definitely brown. I got my blue eyes from my mom (and a blue-eye gene from my dad, though his are brown), and passed them on to DS2 in the same way, but right from the beginning, DD's eyes have been much too dark for me to even entertain the thought that they would be blue.

You're myyyyy brown-eyed girl. Do you remember when we used to sing - sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-dee-dah (just like that)?

Just be glad you don't have to hear me sing in real life. My poor kids. Don't call children's services on me, please. I can carry a tune with two hands and a bucket.

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