Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where's my stuff?

I'm, um, planning a home birth. Shhhhhhh! Yep, eco-feminine-earth-mother-radical. *Insert eye roll* Also a lot cheaper than in the hospital for those of us with cr*ppy insurance and a good track record of uncomplicated, unmedicated births. Anyway.

My midwife told me which company sells a complete kit of pads, gloves, cord clamps, etc that I would need and gave me the order form and list. I went on the internet and ordered it there. I got a box a couple of days ago and got around to opening it today. All the pads seem to be there and some of the other stuff, but about 5 or 6 things are not there. Including scissors and cord clamps. I mean, we have some steak knives and a drawer full of rubber bands and twist ties, but I was kind of hoping for the real thing. And when I went to their website to check exactly what they thought they sent me (they just noted the name of the kit on my invoice) and it wasn't quite the same list that my midwife had handed me, so I guess I'll need a suction bulb thingy, too, which they sell, but which is no longer in the kit.

So I am going to hope that they get back to me soon, unlike a certain seed company from whom I ordered seeds OVER A MONTH AGO and they haven't sent them and haven't gotten back to me about them. And well, I have 5 weeks and 2 days until my due date. Which is over a month, but not much.

UPDATE from the dumbhead (That's me): I had sent an email to my midwife and she wrote to be sure to unroll all the various sheets and pads. And there the rest of it was. Well, one the herbal powders was leaking powder, but otherwise, everything's intact. She says I don't need to get a bulb aspirator doohickey.

Also, I called the seed company, since they haven't responded to my emails and the guy who was looking it up for me was having a hard time figuring out what in the world the computer was doing with my account/order. And his supervisor wasn't there. So I should get a call on Mon or Tues to tell me what they've done with my wildflower seeds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About those aspiators--I've got some hanging around my house. They're blue, and nothing special, but if you want/need them (you'll probably want to boil them upon arrival, JIC) let me know.