Monday, October 8, 2007

NaNoWriMo, baby, wedding, costume, lunch

NaNoWriMo (see sidebar if you don't know what I am talking about) is coming up in a few weeks. As if I didn't already ignore my kids enough... Maybe I should clean the house top to bottom at the end of October. And buy more socks for the kids so I can do laundry even LESS than I already do.

I'll be 20 weeks along tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on whose counter you read. Haven't scheduled a mid-way ultrasound yet, as I got a call at the end of my midwife appointment and totally forgot to ask about it. The baby's kicking harder, but I haven't felt it from the outside yet. Lots of extra padding there.

We're going to my brother's wedding this weekend. Still no present. It'll either be last minute or else I will offer to make them a quilt. I did print out and gather all the info we should need to get to the airport, rental car, hotel, and wedding. Let's see if we can remember to take it all along.

More progress on nephew's penguin outfit. The hood is half done. I have to do the lining, which includes the bottom part of the beak, plus little stuff like elastic around ankles (of both the body and the spats) and velcro closures.

It's nearly one and all I've had for lunch is a piece of whole wheat banana bread (which sounds healthy until I mention the white sugar and chocolate chips). Nothing else looks even half good. I'm no longer craving spicy stuff, but chocolate sure looks great. And though there's the beginnings of chicken soup in the fridge (I cut most of the meat off and stir-fried it last night, then boiled the bones to get the rest), I am saving it for supper tonight.

Not much else to report. For the third night in a row, I fell asleep last night in a book within minutes of the kids going to sleep. But I'm still tired.

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