Friday, April 27, 2007

things to think about today

1) Maybe semi-private swimming lessons for the boys this summer? They are at the same non-existant level and would be in the same class anyway.

2) When checking out a Trader Joe's, the cashier was sneezing. She said she thought she was getting a cold and I said yeah, I can't tell with all the pollen around if I have a long-term cold or allergies and when it shifts between the two. She then said that some dude was on Oprah yesterday with a thingy to squirt saline solution up into your sinuses to clean the pollen out. Ah. OK. The cashier said it wasn't as gross as it sounded. Ah. OK.

3) I am either never ever going to donate money to charities again or else I will only make anonymous cash donations. I haven't donated anything in months and keep asking that they take my name off their phone lists, but I keep getting calls from more and more charities, not just the ones I have donated to. All worthy causes, all things I support, but if I give you $20 at Christmas time, it doesn't mean I want to give $50 every time you call me or send a letter.

(BTW: Finished another pillow. It ended up smaller than the old pillow form I was using, so it's pretty stiff and bouncy. 2 more pillows to pick up from the school and cover.)

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