Friday, April 27, 2007

Bits and bobs (as my UK friends say)

DS2 is having school pictures done in a stained, very old t-shirt and sweatpant shorts (cut off due to loss of knees and raggedy around the edges). Yeah, I forgot. And we got up late and he got up even later than that. I hope he was OK, because he didn't have breakfast because even though we were already late, he was whining in bed for an extra 20 minutes. They have a snack at his preschool, but I should have packed him something extra. Bad mommy.

DS1 is at school. Who knows what he is doing. He has been doing really well this week with finishing his classwork with a minimum of daydreaming.

We have karate this afternoon. BIG exceitment. We need to work better on timing, though. We'll be hanging out at the dojo for 3 hours for 3 different classes, with a break between the 2nd and 3rd hours. I just bet the kids will be bouncing off the walls by the time mine rolls around.

I had the car's oil changed today and was in Trader Joe's next to the shop when I realized that I left my wallet/change purse at work last night. Luckily, I had my checkbook and they didn't require ID either there or at Midas. Phew! (ETA: They did the free inspection and everything passed. Coming up on 100K, but the guy said to bring it next time just for the oil change, tire rotation, and brake check. I need them to check the wiring on my emergency brake reminder light. At least I hope it's just the light that's acting up! Oh, and start wondering about how to replace the motor on the automatic window for my seat, which is starting to say "whirwhirwhrrrr" instead of sliding up mostly silently.

I am still floundering on the wrong side of the brick wall I hit on my breast cancer quilt. I wanted to use the stripes as a border, but there's not enough and I was dumb enough to cut the pieces the width I wanted instead of having them a bit narrower and all the way around. So I don't know what to dooooooooo!

I have finished one floor pillow for DS2's school. Like it's so hard to sew a square and stuff it. But I am taking an extended break before I do the next one. Don't want to wear myself out, after all.

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