Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hello (hello hello hello)

Feeling grumpy this morning overall. My stomach is acidic and roiling. My splitting headache from last night is still peeking around the edges of the advil.

I had to work last night and tonight and tomorrow night. Then there's the belt promotion 'ceremonies' at karate on Thursday, so I won't be able to have a class until Friday. I need a) exercise; and b) something to hit.


Every email I have sent to a group hasn't shown up a couple of hours later. Every comment to a blog has disappeared into the ether. The only place anything at all is posting is to here. So I am contemplating my navel.

Maybe I'll go do some sewing. Or gardening. I need to cut back a bunch of wilting spring bulb plants to make way for the, um, 5 or so tomato plants that I have bought that I don't really have space for, but each has a different sort of tomato. With luck, I will have red, yellow, black, and purple tomatoes.

And I can't find my gold glittery nail polish! I'll have to settle for pearly pink on my toes! The horror!

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