Now this is the book I want to read next - and want to read to DS1. The library doesn't have it yet. Grump. (They don't even have LaFevers' last book (Werewolf Rising) in yet and I'm on the waiting list. This one, they don't even have an entry
for) It's in my shopping cart on amazon. The pic is here because Dee and Dee give you extra chances to win a signed copy if you put it on your blog and tell them .... ;)
I'm bound and determined to read Harry Potter to DS1 this year, also. I have tried a couple of times in the past and it was too much. I don't think he could handle the latest ones yet, as he is only 7, but I want to get him into it so we can stand in line at midnight together for book #7. (See "geek alert!" in sidebar)
And yes, thank you Priya. Book club IS next week. Sixth Lamentation. I need to start reading it!
ETA: I tried to order a used copy of the French version of Welcome to Temptation (J. Crusie) from amazon.ca and they only ship within Canada. So that's a totally different genre, but this post is about books and I'd love to get my hands on it. Since I own all her books in English, even the elusive and scorned (by the author) Sizzle.
ETA #2: I got an email from the lovely Jean-Sebastien and he said that they don't usually ship to the US because amazon.ca only reimburses them for about half the real cost of shipping. So he raised the price to cover it and it's mine mine mine mine mine! Bwahahaha! OK, so it's expensive. It'll be even more expensive to get the French editions of some of the other books from France, won't it? Maybe if I ask my French MIL for them for Xmas...
ETA #3: Oooh ooooh. I just had a bright idea. I think I NEED the French versions of Harry Potter, too. NNNNEEEEEEEEEEEED!
1 comment:
Do you look on half.com? I found an Australian book there (Gumnut Babies) that was just impossible to find otherwise in the US.
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