Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"I don't want to be a pie!"

"I don't like gravy." (I'm making beef pie, not chicken, but still.)

Yes, Liza, you might have been right that it was the wind that made the boys crazier than usual yesterday. The jet lag caught up to them, too. They were in bed and asleep before bedtime without complaint and under their own power. Much better today, though DS2 is following me around and making me nuts. I still have pms, but not as tense as yesterday.

DD is fussy this afternoon, too. The last 2 days, she's been waking at 5 am and nursing for an hour and then tossing and turning and nursing until time to get up, when she falls asleep until about 8. So basically, taking a nap. And then her usual naps are short and weird, so I haven't got anything done that I have to concentrate on - like, oh, writing. I'm making dinner right now, but she's started crying again. so now i'm typing 1-handed again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a better day with the boys. Hope you all recover from the jet lag soon!