Thursday, April 16, 2009

bubble butt

While we were out of town, we used disposables diapers on DD and it took a couple days to get used to how teeny tiny her bum looked. Now that we're back and using cloth diapers again, she has this huge huge bottom.

She's walking a bit on her toes and looks a bit like a raptor, bouncing along the way she does.

She's also still not taking good naps. Every time I shifted my weight to leave her, she woke up and finally I had to get up to use the restroom and she was up and going full speed. Sigh.

And she came in with a plasticky sheriff star and wanted it on her shirt. Such a smart girl!

We're applying for new health insurance (actually, the same one we had a couple years ago which they raised the price over and over on and then we switched, and now the new company is doing the same thing and switching back has it cheaper than before we switched) so we have to figure out when everyone went to the doctor last. DS1 hasn't been for over 2 years now, Dh is longer than that, I think. My last time was January of last year when I was coughing up a lung and wanted to know if it was bronchitis. I was heavily pregnant at the time (and yes, that means I didn't have a 6 week or whatever check-up after having the baby).

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