Friday, December 26, 2008

"Is hot lava a weapon?"

This from DS1, almost 9.

DS2, almost 6 1/2, has something in their raging, widespread lego game that is hot lava proof.

DS1 wants everything in the game to go his way and doesn't want DS2 to have an powers that he doesn't.

As I have been told that I said once about a similarly bossy, always-had-to-win, older brother, "He won't let me play with his invisible lion!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something about being 9 and a boy. Gage's favorite phrase right now is . . . "No!" As in, Gage, the sky is blue today, "No! It's not. There's a cloud over there." ARGH!

He, too, spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about hot lava and the properties thereof.