I've been awake since about 5, up since a bit after 6.
DS2 must have spent about 5 minutes total in his own bed. He was plunked in there after he went to sleep, but was in our bed again by 1 am. At about 5, I woke up with him squashed up against me and me, escaping him, squashed against DH. Yes, the 5 year-old takes his half of the bed out of the middle.
Or maybe what actually woke me was the sound of DS2 in his room, whimpering. He had a headache when he went to bed last night and then ended up coming to our bed, too, before I was asleep, and then going back to sleep and whimpering and crying in his sleep.
So it was 5 am, I'm lying on my designated 6 inch strip of mattress, being kicked in the kidneys by a 5 year-old, smelling DH's armpits, listening to my 7 year-old baby cry, doing that early-morning irrational worry thing, trying to decide if I should get up and check on DS1, in case he's having a stroke or meningitis.
By 6 I was starved and got up to no milk and a strong desire for the vanilla frosted shredded wheats I got yesterday. So I went to the grocery store and spent $20+ on milk and all the stuff that I forgot to get at Trader Joe's or that I don't usually buy there because TJ charges too much (like milk).
7:17 and ds2 just appeared and crawled on my lap and is picking at the moles on my neck. School days, I have to physically remove him from bed by 7:30 and tussle over getting dressed and eating. Saturday? He gets up on his own.
And there's DS1, plodding down the hall.
And here I was, about to go back to bed.
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