Sunday, September 23, 2007

the cutest kid

I met the cutest little guy at work today. He was about 18 months old and was there with his mom, baby brother, and aunt (or friend, not sure). As soon as they came in and put him in the cart, he saw me look and gave me a huge grin and it was love at first sight. They let him play with the little balls we have (that you unwrap to reveal washcloths) and was having a great time. I showed him how to drop them into the cart instead of having to hand them to someone or drop them on the floor, then helped by pulling them back out and giving them back a few dozen times. Happy, happy kid. They had to let him down and go for a walk after a bit - it really did take them ages to shop and finish, not that it ever takes me a long time in the fabric store. Big smiles for everyone. He was getting tired and a bit grumpy, but not very grumpy, mostly just restless.

Yeah, I guess I could have another little one.

From DS1: Why to seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels.


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