Tuesday, June 24, 2008

bleeding injury

DS1 kneeled on the edge of their white board, which lost its frame long, long ago and gashed open his knee. It's just a flap of skin less than an inch long, so I sent him to wash it but I was trying to get DD to sleep, so didn't jump up to help him immediately. He dripped bloody water all around the sink and soaked most of a box of band-aids in the puddles. I'm thinking he probably shouldn't get in the pool less than an hour from now.

And what lame spell checker can't find "kneeled"? Oh, the one automagically spell checking this post. knelt, isn't it? why are my language skills getting worse rather than better? Oh yeah, placenta brain. but then again, the spell checker can't find isn't and didn't and other things that I know are right, so it's sometimes not a whole lot of use to my foggy head.

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