Thursday, May 3, 2007


DS2 has his bestest buddy (BB) over and I've barely seen them except when they were playing a computer game while eating lunch and I had to help Pajama Sam find all the parts to the weather machines. In a bit, the best buddy's mom (BBM?) is going to get her older son from school and come and take b0th little boys away. They have a friend coming to their house this afternoon, but the dynamics of this particular group aren't always great, as BB and other buddy (OB?) both want to be in charge, plus BB tends to want to play with only one friend at a time. After I get DS1 from school, we'll go over there for a little while. DS1 wants to be in charge of EVERYONE, so this could be exciting.

I have worked a tiny bit on the border of my cancer quilt. I now have 3 sides on. For some reason, I am having a hard time getting back into it and I need to get it done and move on. I need to get some batting, which is on sale. But maybe I will piece together enough from the bits of Warm and Natural I have, since only the poly batting is on sale and I am quickly becoming a batting snob.

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