Friday, July 17, 2009

More about the Sony Reader

I'm bloggin bit by bit as I think of stuff, then will pull together the most important parts for the first review, which is due to the Smart Bee-yotch who set this up for 30 people to borrow Readers for a couple of months. Sort of rough draft and then editing. The review is only supposed to be 250 to 500 words, so you all are going to have to see the long, blah blah blah versions. Or ignore them, That's OK, too!

I downloaded some books from my local library the other day and it took an age and a half. For some reason, the Adobe Digital Library software that i used to have on this computer had disappeared. Did I take it off when I knew I wasn't going to use it? Or did DH blast it to make sense for whatever he wanted to put on here to go demo for someone? Anyway, I had to re-download that from Adobe after futzing about, trying to figure out where it was. And then I tried to download the books i had checked out, but all got was the little tiny file that is the DRM (which stands for, uh, licensing thingie). Once you open the tiny file in Digital Library, it's supposed to download the book. Only it didn't. So I ended up closing the Dig Lib and then rebooting and then magically all my missing USB ports were suddenly alive and then it would download the books and then I could just slap them into my eReader. All this took over an hour.

Then I was giddy with my own success, so I decided to use the Sony eBookstore gift certificate (good for Harlequins) the next day. And spent about an hour trying to figure out how to get the freaking thing to recognize the eReader and allow things to be loaded onto it. Turns out that the "temporarily unavailable" page that it hits to do that isn't the right page. It's a good thing there's an email loop for the testers and I asked the question on there and someone knew and told me how to set it up. So another hour blown and then a few hours between asking and getting back on the computer to find the answer. But anyway, i got 5 books for a bit over $3. Cool!

One was the 5th Body Movers book by Stephanie Bond that I had complained earlier that my library didn't have, even though they have the 6th one.


More on the actual reading later, after lunch and after I get the baby to take a nap.

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