Wednesday, June 3, 2009

new books!

After dropping the boys off at school (just barely on time after lots of "get your shoes on! what do you mean you haven't brushed your teeth yet? Go! Gogogogogogo!!!"), I went to the B&N that is more or less on the way home, if I take the slower road.

DD and I got a cup of coffee and she crumbled half a madeleine (very Proust) and then we wandered around outside until the store opened.

I walked in and blanked out on the two books that I wanted to get. I was standing there in front of the new release romances just saying duuuuuuuuh.

I finally remembered one author (Sherry Thomas, whose 2 earlier books I really liked) and found the book (Not Quite a Husband) which promises to be angsty too.

I found 2 impulse purchases (Christie Craig's latest and, um, I want to say the Diane Palmer western/romance?) and still couldn't think of the other book that I had written on a piece of paper right by my computer and yet didn't bring the paper (see the aforementioned "Go gogogogo!!!").

I pulled out my cell phone which I tend to not turn on for a week at a time. I had it on yesterday because I left DD sleeping when I went to get the boys and would have come straight home instead of going to the library if she had been desperate. Well, I forgot to turn it off and the battery was almost flat, so the phone beeped at me and I was afraid it was going to turn off before DH found the paper. All I needed was the author's name and I knew I would know it. And there it was. Alyssa Day.

It wasn't in new releases, though it came out about 2 days ago, so I asked. The clerk had to search around and found it on the regular side, not with the new releases. So I have the latest Atlantis book (based on the cover art, it's 'Atlantis and the Sword-Schlong of Doom", but it's actually Atlantis Unleashed.)

So anyway. Along with the, um, 6 or 7 books I got from the library yesterday, I have enough to read. Should last me a week.

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