Tuesday, May 19, 2009

just some stuff

I was just late to get DS1 from karate. We dropped him off instead of staying and chasing the baby for 45 minutes, dragging her off the mat and letting her wander up and down the sidewalk and so on.

Our landlord sent his representatives (his mom and her husband, who has aged a lot since we last saw him a few years ago) to fix the sprinkler. Dh had said it was broken, but it was just the actual pop-up sprinkler part that was broken and it just needed a new one screwed on. Last year or maybe 2 years ago, one of the pipes was cracked and it took a bunch of digging, etc.

Anyway, they were still here when I realized it was time to get DS1.

DS2 has a horrid rash on his leg and a bit on his neck. i don't know if he got into poison oak somewhere or if it's an allergy. i have a streak of raised red itchiness on my side, too, so I am inclined to think it was something in our yard. I need to find the hydrocortisone. i used to have a prescription ointment after i had a horrible allergic reaction to something one of the first springs we were here. It's surely expired by now, 5 or 6 years later.

DD is fussing. i need to drag her off and see if she needs a dry diaper and some milkies and maybe an short evening happy nap.

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