Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy morning so far

The baby stayed asleep when I went to take the boys to school, so I dressed in workout clothes and went straight to Curves. They had to set me up with the Curves Smart card that records reps and effort and all that and estimates calories burned, so it took more than half an hour. But I burned 300 calories first time through.

Then I came home and fed the baby and supervised her and checked facebook and downloaded some pics from my camera that I need to sort through and post some of and printed out car insurance info for school and called health insurance underwriters (twice, because I tucked the phone under my chin and hung up) so we can get new health insurance.

And now, it's almost DD's happy nap time. She's fussy enough, let's see if she'll sleep.

And man, my typing's all over the place. My fingers are dyslexic today. I think I caught most of my errors, but yikes.

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