Tuesday, May 5, 2009

delinquent! bad! evil!

"This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. "

and other such dire warnings. I am pretty darn sure that I scheduled a payment on this credit card and just now got an email full of ominous messages because apparently I didn't and my payment is late by.... one day.

It would have fallen when we were out of town, so I probably looked at the statement and then didn't schedule it, meaning to do it when we got back.

I owed them just over $300. Oooooh, please come and haul me off.


And it's not even one day yet, in my time zone.

And now their site told me that it couldn't process my payment request and to try again, then when I try again, it tells me I have already scheduled a payment with the same attributes.

And they dropped my credit limit drastically. Bastards.

Which is why I shouldn't check my email right before bed, I guess.

I guess I will sort it out tomorrow. Off to bed.

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