Thursday, July 5, 2007

Well, that's a relief


Friday? Predicted 104. Saturday 98. Then back into the 100's for the next few days. Whew. Cold front.

Predicted high today was 107. I'm not sure if we made it. 105 right now, according to the weather channel website. 104 by our thermometer (yes, it's in the shade - but it's above the patio, so gets a bit of reflected heat). 113 by the car thermometer after it sat in the sun for bit. I'm thinking of the story in the newspaper last year about the woman who baked cookies on her truck dashboard. I don't remember how hot she said it got in there, but it was approaching 200.

UPDATE: According to, it was 109. Record was 111, so we were miserable and didn't even get to say we set a record.

We've got drought conditions (worse then our usual perma-drought) and risks of more forest and grass fires. It's going to be a wild summer and probably well into the fall, since the rains don't generally start until late October.

Sending vibes and good thoughts to those getting flooded in the UK and the Midwest.

So we're running from one air-conditioned spot to the pool, back to a/c. The biggest problem is getting back in the car and waiting for the a/c to cool it off again. Hydrate hydrate hydrate.

Rumor of possible blackouts. We had a lot of flickering yesterday afternoon at work.
We've got all the blinds and curtains shut and we're hunkering down. Well, not really because we've been in and out all afternoon (friend's pool, library) and are about to go to karate.

DS2's birthday tomorrow. He'll be five!!!! Trying to think if we have enough presents. I mean, that it looks like enough - everything so far is fairly small. He already got the battery-powered train because I gave one to DS1 for his half-birthday and figured they'd be happier if they got them both at once. I need to make him some new shorts (and I have plenty of fabric for them), but I kinda doubt I'll get much done on that before tomorrow. I suppose I should at least try!

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