Thursday, April 17, 2008

NO PICTURES. Oh bother. Other stuff.

Blogger won't let me upload pictures today, but it tells me this: "bX-r4l10y". I had a couple of the baby that I was going to post. You'll just have to wait.

An online friend's husband does wood art. Looks good to me. I especially like the dragon puzzles and the bird of paradise framed picture.

The post on Romancing the Blog today is worth a read. It's about the life skills he has learned by reading romance novels. Eric Selinger is a college professor who also contributes regularly to And yes, some academics talk about romance novels as literature.

Oh, and another fabulous book that I read a few days ago, called The Duke of Shadows. SB Sarah reviewed it recently and while I don't completely agree with her assessment and I would have given it a better grade, she says most of what I would say. I *got* Emma - though I didn't necessarily like her all the time - and she says flat out that she didn't.

And I am thinking of starting karate again soon. It'll be rough on the baby and on everyone who has to hear her during fussy time in the evening without her favorite pacifier (AKA me), so I might wait another month or so. I just miss it and desperately need the exercise.

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