oh, i mean on the quilt i'm working on. i've done nine-patch blocks and have started cutting out the large sqaures and even piecing the center of the top. i have done the first two rows of the center part and need to cut out more big squares to keep going.
i should scan in my sketch, because i don't think my brother and his wife are reading my blog anyway.
ok, here it is:

the small, dark squares are indigo, the parts left white are actually white with purple and turquoise squiggles (some of the large outer areas will be white with only turquoise squiggles because there wasn't enough fabric with the purple). the darker large squares is a fabulous blue/turquoise/purple/shiny lava lamp peacock-ish print that i bought the last 2+ yards of a few months ago at Hancock's. the corner squares and the lighter shaded squares are turquoise with small white dots.
but wait there's more!
some of the small squares are random fun or meaningful-to-D&K prints like dogs nd chickens and dragons and sushi. well, i don't know if sushi is meaningful to them, i just know that the first time i ate sushi was with my brother. anyway, it's ever so slightly a grown-up I-Spy quilt (like this or that). i still have more novelty fabrics that will go in the rows of small squares around the sides.
i'm still deciding if the finished quilt would work as a square or if i really should make it a rectangle.
and my original idea was to use a lot of my extensive fabric stash, but not a lot of it really goes together, plus i needed solids and more subtle prints to go with the lava/peacock. it's going to be rather busy as it is.
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