Saturday, April 12, 2008


dh took his mom and the boys into the city to do.... something.

dd's been asleep for most of the afternoon, off and on. a little while ago, she woke up again, so i changed her diaper then fed her then she wasn't going back to sleep, so i got up and took her with me to get a snack. i really wanted cold leftover coffee (no, really. i like cold coffee), but i have mostly milk and a little coffee and we're all out of milk.

so i juggled her and got a glass of water to go with candy corn left from halloween. health food!

i came in here and sat down with her on my lap leaning back against me. she was looking around and making snuffly noises for a while, then i realized she was awfully calm and not snuffling. she's asleep. she doesn't usually conk out that easily.

i need to take a shower, but she doesn't transfer well and sleep is more important than greasy hair, especially when there's noone here to see it.

1 comment:

Neefer said...

I like cold coffee, too.