Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What is "fair" ?

100 times a day: "That's not faiiiiiiir!"

What is "truth" ? What is "quality" ?

We're on our 3rd week of spring break and the lack of direction is getting to all of us. They have spent too much time over the last few days on YouTube watching old Warner Brothers cartoons. And yes, I insist that either DH or I be present when they're on YouTube, as random clicking around on it would be... inadvisable.

Baby's fine, though currently sleeping in a sling. Not that I needed to ever straighten my back again, after all. The chiropractor will be rich rich rich. He'll be even richer as she gains more double chins and enlarges her thunder thighs. I took a couple of pictures of her male-pattern baldness the other day and will have to download them.

But much more importantly, she's been smiling more and more. She was completely enchanted by her brothers this morning when I was changing her diaper and was doing that lopsided toothless grin thing. She even let out a "huh!" which we will now claim to be her first laugh.

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