Friday, June 1, 2007

What my mom wrote

Clarification from my mom. (Further clarification from me is that Pappy is her dad, Nanet is her mom, and Grandpa is my dad's dad, Uncle Bob is my dad's brother). Essentially, no warriors. We've got doctors, vets, farmers, and one postal worker, but no major fighting.

"In re grandfathers in wars: Pappy had arthritis, narcolepsy, and was in an "essential industry" (small farm farmer)
Grandpa was "older" and he was German (Uh oh!)
Uncle Bob did other service when he was drafted. He worked in DC doing some kind of humanitarian work
Nanet's father was too old for WWI so worked in resettlement work with the YMCA and was sent to Japan and Vladivostok, Russia
Pappy's father was too old, too."

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