Thursday, June 14, 2007


I got a new feeder and one of those thistle seed bag things and hung them outside my front windows. I don't think to look, necessarily, but today at noonish, I walked out and found a little brown bird with a crest that I hadn't seen before. About the size of a sparrow, but skinnier.

I know what it is.

It's a bird.

(My intention with this post is to drive my mom nuts)

1 comment:

Philippa Lodge said...

No response yet from my mom, who should have gotten home last night, but has probably jumped right back into being the Granny Nanny of my nephews.

It was a Plain Titmouse. Probably. Maybe a juvenile. Mine looks skinnier than the pic in the bird book.

The hard question is: Why does my bird book not mention the size of the birds? It is "small". Is that 2 inches long? 4 inches? 6 inches? Small like a small elephant?