Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just checking in

B-day party for DS2 yesterday. DS1 and 4 friends. One friend couldn't come at the last minute because the itchy red spots turned out to be scabies (quickly treated, once you figure out what they are, apparently). It was loads o' fun for all (except maybe the girl who's DS1's age - 8 - whom we haven't seen in a long time who eventually got tired of little boys. Now why would that happen?) Just played inside and out, some in the water, mostly not, rode circles in the garage on bikes part of the time, though it was 100 degrees in there. WhatEVer. I'll be adding some pics of the cake and of the kids. And we moms sat around and chatted.

One of DS2's best friends from kindergarten is moving into the neighborhood. Woot!

We went swimming again today. The boys are definitely learning more on their own and with me helping them float than they did in lessons. There isn't a lifeguard at the pool we've been going to, though, and it makes me really nervous. The water's not all that deep, but they really are not god swimmers. I just wander around near the boys with DD in my arms. Eventually, she gets tired of it and starts screeching and we get out.

And here they go arguing again...

I've sewed up a couple new diapers for DD from velour. I want to try to put snaps on one, but who knows when I'll get around to doing that (metal snaps with a snap setter tool and a hammer. BAM! BAM!). I also dug out the old diapers that were too worn out and the elastic too shot for me to even pass them on for free after DS2 was done with them. I put new elastic on some of them, new velcro on one, and a couple of them need new snaps (BAM!) and we're in business. We're pretty much going straight from small diapers to larges due to the thigh... uhm, situation. They're not that huge compared to lots of babies, but compared to the rest of her not overly chubby body and compared to her skinny brothers, she's got a bit more to her. Lovely, chubby baby girl :)

Well, not a lot else to say. Not all that much going on, really.

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