Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bits and pieces

Mom writes:
Which is best: flying screeching monkeys
whistles from Nicaragua
Aflac ducks
Which do you want more of????
(Remember: you received ear plugs for Christmas. . . .)

Oh yeah. I forgot that my mother is responsible for two of the three noise violations in my house. Well, to be fair, who was it who sent us hand-cranked flashlights that have really obnoxious alarms? That would be the fourth. Maybe my MIL?

In other news, DS1 and I both passed our belt tests in karate, so next Thursday, we promote. He'll be a blue belt, so only about 3 months away from moving to the advanced class. I'll finally make it to the second intermediate belt. I really felt I nailed the 14-count form we did last night, though I probably just look like arms and legs flailing. Then I had to do 30 push-ups and thought I would pass out at about 20, but remembered to breathe and made it all the way through. I'm still doing knee push-ups, because upper-body strength has never been in my repertoire.

Let's see....

Wonder Pets are kinda creepy, aren't they?

We had pizza for dinner because DH is out at some business thing. The kids ate a ton of fruit and veg before dinner and are polishing off an apple I just cut up for them. Some days they barely will touch anything healthy, but today they went crazy for it. They were so very hungry before supper, so they had a lot of appetizers. I'm here polishing off the fruit salad from last night. yum!

Oh and there's another pregnancy - not mine! - but I don't know if I am allowed to spread the news. Not that most of my reading public would know the people involved. Let's say that it's a happy thing, but a surprise. Hmmmmm, somehow I feel I've BTDT.

Oh and some guy named PZ nailed a cracker to some papers and then threw them away.

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