Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wow, it's been a long time

Mom was here for a visit and we took her to the airport this morning (got up at 5 am YAWN), so I haven't been on the computer as much. We didn't get around to doing any sightseeing, etc. DH was busy programming all weekend, the boys were thrilled that the neighbors were working on the back fence and ended up playing in their house for quite a while on Saturday and Monday, supervised by the youngest daughter who's 13. Mostly we hung around and went to the grocery store a few times. Granny got to hold the baby a bunch and we all got to spend some time with her.

Next time she'll have to stay for more than a week. HINT HINT. And now I'm feeling very homesick, so am searching for flights for us to go to Ohio. But when it's over $900 per person to fly at Christmas, it sure looks like we won't fly at Christmas. Oh, only $550-ish to go in October when we have a week off. Maybe next year spring break? about the same price. so if we get a seat for Isabelle, too, then it's over $2500.

ETA: But we could do Amtrak for about $1200 total. 60+ hours each way in the train and arriving at 3:10 AM, plus losing about 3 days on each end of our vacation.... Maybe some summer we'll do that.

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