Monday, February 12, 2007

V-Day and stuff

Not much done during the weekend. I was wiped out after working Saturday morning and read a book for most of the afternoon. Sunday I had a stinking headache and overflowing nose, so I stayed in bed late, then read most of the day. I have now read a Nora Roberts trilogy. I don't think I had read any of her stuff before and it's pretty good. It didn't have me swooning, but it was pretty darn good.

Oh, Saturday night, the boys' friends came over for a sleepover, but just like the last time, they bailed out at bedtime. Oh well. They stayed a bit longer and I think they might have slept if my darling DS1 hadn't been arguing with them about nightlights and fans. Next time at their house and my kids haven't bailed yet. Ahhhh sweet freedom!

V-Day coming this week, of course. I'm thinking of getting something for DH, since he usually finds me something after I grump at him, but I don't necessarily get him anything because I'm bad. He doesn't like chocolates, etc and isn't interested in flowers or sappy cards. He gets whatever he needs or wants, so it leaves me short on ideas.

DS2 and I made Valentines for his class today. We couldn't remember everyone in his class, so we did our best and I'll call tomorrow to check the list, since he won't go in again until Wednesday, which is V-Day.

DS1 needs to do cards or whatever. We're also going to make rice krispie treats with red sugar on top for the class party. Health food.

I still don't have a working sewing machine and still haven't bought that other piece of fabric and still haven't cut anything out.

I haven't done too much writing, either, but was struck by a thought while discussing backhanded compliments on an email group and now have remembered someone to model my unfriendly friend after. Ah ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to see you doing the Blog thing, Phyllis.

I love Nora Roberts and think that your description of her is pretty good. I also read her scifi/thriller/romance series written under the name J.D. Robb which are also pretty darn good!
