Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sickness - part deux (or maybe trois)

Day 3 with ds1 home from school. Day 2 of ds2's sickness, though the first day he has missed school for it.

They hate the eyedrops. Big surprise. Me too. DS2 tolerates them with a minimum of bad grace. DS1 wails and fusses and resists and I have to do it by having him tilt his head back, put 2 drops in and then he opens his eyes. Wait several minutes of fear and complaining and wailing. Repeat on other eye.

Oh please oh please let it clear up by tomorrow! If it does, I can get one kid at school and the other playing with a friend - though it's the friend's turn to play here. Friday DS1 doesn't have school for a teacher meeting day or whatever.

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