Monday, August 20, 2007


It's 5:40 am and I've been awake since about 3, when DS2 crawled into our bed, across my foot. After half an hour, I thought it was that I needed to pee, so I did. Then an hour and a half later I decided that maybe I was hungry and should get up and have a snack and go back to bed. And a half hour after that, I said to heck with it and here I am. A friend is giving the kids a ride to school, so once they are on their way, I am going back to bed.

DS1's teachers are having a parent/welcome meeting this evening. I hope I can take the kids along, especially because the Kindergarten playground is fenced. DS2's class meeting is Thursday, so I will likely have to work something out with DH.

Maybe I'll go try to go back to sleep for the next hour. Maybe if I do get back to sleep, I can shove DH out of bed at 7 to make the kids' lunches and make sure they eat and get dressed.

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