Saturday, May 22, 2010

Right. Get on with it. Easier said than done.

I've got to get my big girl panties on and get back to work.

The new story I'm working on is stuck, currently, so I need to think about where to go next and how to get there. I can put it on the back burner and read some more research material for inspiration for a while, but i also need to know where I am going to try to take it.

And the edits I've been doing of the 2nd book that I finished are languishing away in a binder. I've gone through about half of what I meant to do and stopped both due to the story mentioned above and the rejection letter, which was 10 days ago already.

I went to the meeting of my RWA chapter - the speaker, Jeannie Ruesch, is a graphic designer/ website designer and a novelist and talked about making a brand name of yourself - and sat at lunch with her and with a couple of other people I've spent time talking to at these things before. one is/was a life coach and between her and Jeannie Ruesch, they were shoving me back at work, reminding me that they've been rejected and rejected and yet now have contracts and one is published and the other will be soon.

So I came home all renewed and yet tired because being around all those people all morning wears me out, no matter how good it is. So the boys were using my computer to play on and I let them and instead I read a book and dozed off with the toddler.

I *will* get to work. I *am* a good writer.

And I am starting an online editing/revising workshop with Lani Diane Rich in a couple of weeks, so i am getting excited about that. I don't know which book I will choose to revise during the workshop, so i have to think about that a bit, too.

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