Wednesday, December 2, 2009

NaNo let down

Kind of wandering randomly around since NaNoWriMo finished a couple of days ago.

DS1 still needs a cravat or SOMETHING to tie around his neck tomorrow at Sutter's Fort. No respectable gentleman would be out without one. Poor guy's going to just have a hunk of black fabric. I just have to find the fabric...

Oh, and his shoes are all wrong. Too freaking bad. I am DONE. Well, except for the necktie.

After that... Xmas PJs for all the kids, new PJ pants for me (my zebra stripes have holes. I made them.... 4 or 5 years ago?), then The Toddler pulled out a couple of quilting mags and I was flipping through one and came across a pattern that I like, which seems to eb the one I kept the mag for. And I had a burst of inspiration and know what fabric I will use for it that's been moldering away waiting for a burst of inspiration. So my sewing time will be filled for a bit anyway.

Pizza for dinner tonight. I can't seem to come up with any ideas for anything lately, either.

I need to come up with a present for an English friend. I have a few vague ideas but am a bit stumped. Needs to be mailed ASAP, of course!

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