Sunday, September 19, 2010

A book!

Not necessarily a good book. Not even really ready to let other people read.

But I got to 85K words (almost) and I think it's a whole story. It's a bit shorter than I have done in the past and I know that there are dull spots as my narrator explains what she did over certain gaps of time - I either need to cut those back or make them more interesting and relevant to the story.

My brand new critique partner is reading the first five chapters and we'll meet again on Wednesday to talk about them. I read her first 5 chapters and nit-picked it to death. I hope she doesn't mind.

Anyway, it's a romance novel, but more on the chick-lit end of the spectrum. I wanted to cover a good portion of my heroine/narrator's life, not just the romance part. I wanted you to see how she has grown, mentally and psychologically, over the course of twenty years.

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